Can I Ship Directly From Alibaba to Amazon FBA?

can i ship directly from alibaba to amazon fba

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to ship directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the options and considerations for shipping directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA.

Whether you are a new seller or an experienced one, understanding the process and weighing the pros and cons is crucial. Let’s dive in and answer the burning question: Can I ship directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA?

Can I Ship Directly From Alibaba to Amazon FBA

Before understanding the shipping of stock from Alibaba to Amazon, there are few things to consider.

Considerations for Shipping from Alibaba to Amazon

There are two main factors to keep in mind while considering direct shipping from Alibaba to Amazon

  • There are inventory limits on Amazon. New sellers may face restrictions on sending bulk shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers.
  • Amazon has multiple fulfillment center locations therefore Amazon may require you to send your inventory to multiple fulfillment centers which can impact the cost-effectiveness of direct shipping.

Assessing the above factors is essential to determine the feasibility of this shipping method.

Method 1: Shipping Directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA

The first method involves shipping your products directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA. This approach offers several benefits, including cost savings, faster transit time, and reduced chances of transit damage.

However, it also comes with challenges such as coordinating with your Alibaba supplier for shipment to multiple Amazon fulfillment centers and the inability to inspect inventory during transport.

We will provide tips on how to navigate these challenges and ensure compliance with Amazon’s requirements.

Method 2: Using a 3PL or Amazon FBA Prep Center

Alternatively, you can choose to use a third-party logistics (3PL) company or an Amazon FBA prep center. This method involves your Alibaba supplier shipping the inventory to the 3PL or prep center which then inspects, labels, and prepares the shipment for Amazon FBA.

While this option incurs higher costs and longer lead times, it offers advantages such as the ability to inspect goods, ease of delivery to multiple fulfillment centers, and access to Amazon’s Partnered Carrier program.

Steps for Shipping Directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA

Follow the below steps for shipping directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA.

1. Create a shipment in Amazon Seller Central, ensuring accurate inventory distribution settings.

2. Verify shipment details with your Alibaba supplier, requesting images of cartons, pallets, and product samples.

3. Use a freight forwarder experienced in shipping to Amazon’s warehouses.

4. Ensure your supplier correctly labels the products, cartons, and pallets according to Amazon’s requirements.

5. Employ a reputable inspection company in China to mitigate the risk of defective products.

6. Arrange for the freight forwarder to deliver the products to Amazon’s warehouse, adhering to customs requirements.

Steps for Using a 3PL or Amazon FBA Prep Center

If you opt for a 3PL or Amazon FBA prep center, follow these steps:

1. Verify shipment details with your Alibaba supplier, emphasizing labeling requirements.

2. Hire a freight forwarder to handle the shipping logistics.

3. Choose a reliable 3PL or prep center based on factors like credit rating, years in business, and customer reviews.

4. Have the freight forwarder ship the inventory to the 3PL or prep center.

5. Allow the 3PL or prep center to inspect, label, and prepare the shipment for delivery to Amazon FBA.

6. Benefit from their expertise in managing Amazon’s inventory requirements and potential cost savings through the Partnered Carrier program.

Additional Tips and Considerations

Here are some additional tips to enhance your shipping experience:

– Vet Alibaba suppliers by checking their ratings and certifications.

– Consider different shipping options, such as air express, air freight, and ocean freight, based on cost and delivery time.

– Purchase freight insurance to protect your inventory during transit.

– Ensure that customs duties are paid to avoid complications with your shipment.


Shipping directly from Alibaba to Amazon FBA is possible but it requires careful consideration of factors such as inventory limits and fulfillment center locations. Whether you choose to ship directly or use a 3PL or Amazon FBA prep center.

It is important to understand the process and follow best practices that are essential for success. Evaluate your specific situation, weigh the pros and cons, and make an informed decision. By doing so, you can streamline your shipping process and optimize your Amazon FBA business.

About us

MyEcomGurus is dedicated to helping businesses succeed on the Amazon marketplace. We have been serving Amazon sellers for over 4+ years.

our services cover every stage of the customer journey on Amazon, from SEO and Advertising Management to Content Optimization and end-to-end Account Management.

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