What can I sell on Amazon without approval?

What can I sell on Amazon without approval

Amazon is the world’s famous American online enterprise, which is a retailer itself and allows other sellers to sell their products. It’s the largest online platform, which has 1.5 million active sellers. Many new sellers search for the right products to start their business on Amazon.

Are you looking around to know what you can sell on Amazon without approval? Or how to get support on restricted items? Then there is good news. You have come to the right place.

 I will guide you about the most profitable products you can sell on Amazon without facing any issues of approval.

Most sellers want to start their business by selling ungated products because it takes time to get approval for gated categories. And the good thing is that you can choose many profitable ungated products to sell online.

So let’s look at the categories of products that do not require approval from Amazon.

Categories of products on Amazon to sell without approval

When you decide on a product to sell, go into deep analysis. Try to find the product which has less competition and more chances of success. There are a lot of ungated products on Amazon that are not saturated and they will be a superb choice to start a selling business online.

Here is a list of the ungated categories on Amazon:

  • Personal computer
  • Kindle Accessories
  • Luggage and Travel Accessories
  • Industrial and Scientific
  • Major Appliances
  • Home & Garden
  • Musical instruments
  • Office products
  • Software
  • DIY & Tools
  • Automotive & Power sports

Mostly all these categories and their products are ungated. But some of their subcategories or products are restricted, and you need to take approval from Amazon to sell them.

Most profitable ungated categories to sell on Amazon

Before starting, every seller looks around to find which category or product will be profitable for him. Luckily, there are many ungated categories on Amazon that will help to run your business successfully. Some ungated categories have gated subcategories or some products. And some products become gated at a specific season. For example, the toys and games in Winter. Here are the most profitable categories which are ungated and need no approval.

Home & Kitchen:

Things used in our homes or kitchens are included in this category, such as cushions, rugs, etc. This is the most profitable ungated category.

Pet Accessories and supplies:

All the pet’s requirements like food, specific furniture, etc. are included in this section.

Sports and outdoors:

It’s an ungated category in which sports equipment and outdoor necessaries are included.

Camera and photo:

One of the most profitable categories of open seller products is cameras and photos. This section has all the camera or photography equipment.


Electronics include computers, scanners, printers, etc. This portion of Amazon is also ungated and has a high chance of profit.

Cell phone and Accessories:

Cell phones and their Accessories, like iPhone lightning cables and Android cables, are unrestricted.

Video games:

Video games are the most popular category on Amazon. For this profitable section, you don’t have to wait or struggle for approval, as it is ungated.

Most categories are open to selling and have no restrictions, but some categories have subcategories or specific products that have restrictions from Amazon.

Here are some more beneficial categories that have the potential to sell, but their subcategories are gated.


One of the top-selling products of Amazon is books. New or used books are available on Amazon. There is no need to take approval to start the business of books. But unique books have restrictions on them.

Toys and games:

Toys and games for children are considered the ungated category. Once a year, during the Winter holidays, Amazon restricted some exclusive products of this category.

Clothing & its Accessories:

Clothes and Accessories like shoes, bags, jewelry, and glasses are unrestricted. You are open to selling them without any approval. But, Amazon put conditions on clothes of certain brands. You need to fulfill the criteria before selling them.

Baby products:

Accessories for babies like baby lotion, shampoo, etc. are in the ungated category. But Amazon has restricted the selling of brand apparel or used items of babies.

Beauty products:

You can sell different beauty products on Amazon such as makeup, nail paints, etc. But used items or the goods of gated brands need approval.

What do gated and ungated categories mean?

Ungated categories include groups of products that do not require any

Approval from Amazon. Sellers, after registering, can start selling these products. For example, home tools, musical instruments, etc.

Grated categories have those products which are restricted from

Amazon. You need to take an approval before starting your selling business online. For example, gated products are jewelry, watches, etc.

What are the categories of gated products?

According to Amazon seller central list following are the products that need special approval from Amazon:

  • Video, DVD, and blue ray
  • Music
  • Laser pointers and other laser products
  • Amazon Renewed
  • Amazon accelerator
  • Launchpad
  • Jewelry
  • Postage stamps
  • Streaming media player
  • Fine art
  • Collectible coins
  • Watches
  • Streaming media player

What are prohibited products on Amazon?

Amazon has prohibited some products. According to Amazon seller, central prohibited products are the following:

  • Firecrackers
  • Firework kits
  • Roman candles
  • Snap caps
  • Smoke bombs
  • Flash paper
  • Bacteria culture
  • Hydrofluoric acid
  • Wheel weights
  • Thermostats and many more

Why does Amazon put restrictions on certain products?

Like all other e-commerce businesses, Amazon thinks about the satisfaction of its customer. Protecting a customer from all the frauds and counterfeits is the priority of Amazon.

And this is the reason behind the success of Amazon. We do not think much about the quality of a product while ordering from Amazon. Because Amazon has built a relationship of trust with its customers.

Amazon seller central quoted about the reason for gating categories:

“We want customers to be able to shop with confidence on Amazon. We require sellers to obtain approval before listing products for certain products, brands, categories, and sub-categories. The approval process may include document requests, performance checks, and other qualifications.”

For customer care, Amazon has gated specific categories of products, but that thing becomes trouble for the sellers. It’s not that a gated category will never convert into an ungated one, you only have to complete some instructions to unlock a gated category.

Why do people want to sell in gated categories?

Although it takes time to get approval from Amazon on gated categories, and it’s a hassle for sellers, most sellers want to sell gated products. The reason behind this is the success potential in these categories.

 Gated products have less competition and more selling potential. Therefore, sellers struggle to unlock gated categories to grow their business.

How to get approval from Amazon on gated categories?

If you think that your products are fulfilling the criteria set by Amazon and you are eligible to sell a gated category, then follow the steps instructed by Amazon to get approval:

  • Open the seller central home page of Amazon and click on the menu bar
  • Click on the “Add a product”
  • Search the products you want to sell on Amazon
  • At the left of the product info, click on the “show limitations”
  • Finally, click on the “Apply to sell” button to get the process started

After that, either Amazon will automatically approve you or you will receive a notification that will inform you about your rejection.

Following are the tips to get approved on Amazon:

  • Build your credibility
  • Meet the quantity requirements instructed by Amazon
  • Trace your customer’s metrics
  • Try to comprehend the FBA policies


Although there are more chances of profit in gated products, experts instruct you to always start your business from the ungated category. All the ungated products mentioned above have the potential for success. Any seller can expand his business by choosing the right ungated product to sell.

About us

MyEcomGurus is dedicated to helping businesses succeed on the Amazon marketplace. We have been serving Amazon sellers for over 4+ years.

our services cover every stage of the customer journey on Amazon, from SEO and Advertising Management to Content Optimization and end-to-end Account Management.

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